Friday, March 23, 2018

It is Thyme for Spring

It is the end of March and here on the Texas Gulf coast, that means the best weather we get all year.  Because it is so awesome outside, I thought I would share some of my back-yard shots with you.  Some of the critters with whom we share the yard, and the plants that are all promise, and new growth are looking so wonderful I had to share.

We seem to have two types of reptile in the yard, green anoles and apparently brown anoles as well. They are related but look a bit different. The green anoles are native to the United States and can turn a brown color when needed, but the brown anoles are out of Cuba and are always brown. God bless the internet, what did we ever do before search engines? I seem to remember looking at the encyclopedia often…wonder what happened to that set? Anyway…

A green anole

A brown anole

Since I was unable to contact our family herpetologist, I had to compare photos with those on line so, the third photo may be a green anole who is brown to match the ladder that he/she chose to sunbathe on, I will have to wait and see what the lizard expert says about that one if he calls me back. Please feel free to let me know if you are also a lizard whisperer who can identify the patio residents correctly.

 Mystery anole

Watching the antics of these three today on the back patio was very calming for some reason. The renewal of the cycle and all that, it’s nice to see the circle continuing for yet another year. To me, silly human that I am, they seem friendly, but it appears that there is a fierce battle for territory taking place for control of the lizard realm of Cowan.  It will be interesting to see who wins the battle. I will keep watch and chronicle the realm history this summer as I apparently have way too much Thyme on my hands at the moment.

Speaking of Thyme, mine is exploding with tiny flowers, I hear that this is good for the bees and butterflies, but have only seen wasps so far, but the year is young, and we only get more heat from here on out. My Mexican Heather was hit very hard by the freeze, so I may have to re-plant them, they are gold to the local bees, so I don’t want to leave them hanging.  I have hopes that the hyssop will survive to flower later in the summer and will pick up where the thyme leaves off.  Again, will keep you posted. (Please pardon the puns, I couldn’t resist.)

I also added some Marigolds and Geraniums to the container garden on the patio.  Both are supposed to help turn away unwanted herb stealing insects.  We shall see.  Right now, these beauties are guarding the green beans and sweet peas.  Even if they don’t work, they are still gorgeous. 

So, for now, this will be my start for Spring, in the coming weeks I hope to be traveling around the parks in the local area to see what else is starting to bloom.  Happy Ostara or Easter whichever you celebrate, and thanks for checking this out.