Monday, November 13, 2017

A Leap of Faith

This year I have been ponding quite a bit on what the next stage of my life will bring.  It is now several years after I originally sat down and composed my first post and I am taking a leap of faith by committing to “going public” with my photos. 

2017 has been one of so much change and upheaval in both my personal life and in the world at large. An acquaintance of mine put it well this last weekend saying, “The Universe is going through a great purge.” I believe this to be true.  When he said it, I had an instant vision of the Earth with an infected sore, we are in serious need of antiseptic washing and cosmic antibiotics. What does this have to do with photography and leaps of faith you ask?

Well let me tell you…

Photography is a way of honoring what one sees in the world.  It is a small tribute to the grand beauty of the Universe surrounding us every day.  If done well, others get to share in that frozen moment for as long as the paper lasts or the file is accessible. If we are lucky it lasts much longer than the artist who has the audacity to try and capture said moment.  So to me, this starts pushing the antibiotics in the form of love of beauty and spreading the love makes things better.

Here is where the leap of faith comes in.

First, you have to trust that your eye is seeing things in a way that others will enjoy as well.  (Is that faith or hubris? I am not quite sure yet.)

Second, your skill with your camera should be proficient and always open to improvement and critique. With this in mind I am joining the Galveston County Art League, lots of opportunity for both improvement and critique here. I have also been entering contests on Viewbug , a really positive web forum to enter contests and receive feedback on your digital shots.

And finally, the third thing because my OCD loves things in threes, faith comes into it with giving of yourself, your effort, and your craft.  Your photos give away your perspective on what you see. We look at lots of things, but photos freeze what we see. The exposure, if you will pardon the pun, comes when you open up to let others see how you view the world.  They get to see what grabs your attention.

Here are a couple of shots that have grabbed my attention since the last post,




  1. You have
    the Critical Eye of an Artist and
    the Cropping Skill of a Surgeon.

    Very few artistic things are impactful to my core. Your photos have been added to the short list.
